At Hedgehog, we love a nature-based approach to learning! Outdoor School Shop, or ODSS, is a wonderful resource for outdoor schools and daycares. ODSS is now selling Hedgehog Dryer products to help families and teachers keep their kiddos warm and dry. In Norway, where Hedgehog Dryer began, kids are outside pretty much whatever the weather...sun, rain, and snow! "There´s no bad weather, just bad clothing" is a popular saying throughout Scandinavia, and kids and teachers spend a large portion of the school day outside in nature. Not only is the outdoors an amazing place for learning, but kids can also develop important physical skills and build an important foundation for an active lifestyle. From ODSS´ Instagram: "The team at Outdoor School Shop is very passionate about finding solutions to your outerwear challenges, whether for your family or your school. One of the most common questions we get is - how do I get wet boots and mittens dry quickly?" We are pleased to partner with ODSS and bring Hedgehog Dryers to outdoor schools! Dry feet and hands, warm hearts. :)